Contact: Amanda Bradham-Little
Marketing Director
O: (314) 785-7602 | C: (314) 393-4926
[St. Louis, MO, August 2, 2021] – Cresa St. Louis, a subsidiary of Pace Properties, is pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to acquire (Brad likes “merger” or “merged” but isn’t too hung up on the exact language) the project management business (Should this be “unit” or “division” instead of “business”?) of Landmark Contract Management. This acquisition will position Cresa for continued growth of the project management/owner’s representative business.
In addition to being a leader in commercial real estate transaction management, workplace solutions, consulting, portfolio solutions and more, Cresa’s project management focus has primarily been in the office, retail, industrial and non-profit industries. Landmark brings 34 years of experience with public works, government, and entertainment to Cresa’s project management portfolio.
Founded in 1987, Landmark began as a dispute resolution firm but quickly expanded once clients realized his (“the company’s” rather than “his”) risk mitigation knowledge and requested full-service management to help avoid claims at the outset. “Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote Brad quote” (Maybe identify/introduce Brad here as “Landmark Contract Management Founder and CEO” … may help keep everyone happy and Brad seems to like the Founder reference)
Three project managers from Landmark will join Cresa St. Louis/Pace Properties immediately. CEO (If you introduce Brad above we can leave his title, etc. out of this … I know, obviously, Marc) of Landmark Contract Management, Brad Hornburg, will serve as a consultant through the end of 2022.
“Brad Hornburg and Landmark have a tremendous reputation in the industry and a client roster built on trust and hard work, “said Rick Dames, Managing Principal of Cresa, “We are excited to join forces, offering our existing and new client’s additional resources and experience.”
About Cresa
Founded in 1993, Cresa is the world’s largest tenant-only commercial real estate firm. Cresa’s mission is to provide customized solutions by offering fully integrated services that align customers’ real estate needs with their business plans, delivering maximum cost savings and exceeding expectations.
Instagram: @cresa_st.louis
Twitter: @CresaSTL
LinkedIn: @cresa-st-louis